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How To Apply

In order to apply, a few criteria must be met.

The Criteria

Enrollment Eligibility

Any student applying must currently be rising senior at Saint John Paul II Academy, or a rising 8th grader at Saint Vincent Ferrer.

Law Enforcment 

The Applicant must have an immediate family member in law enforcement. The family member can be a current officer, retired, or deceased.

Good Academic Standing

Applicants are expected to be in good academic standing, and must hold a 3.0GPA or better.

The Essay

Applicants are required to submit an essay describing how your faith, leadership qualities, and achievements will play a significant role in your future.

Letters of Recommendation

Two letters of recommendation are required. These letters must be from someone over the age of 21 and unrelated.

Other Requirments

Your school may require other documentation. Please fill out any forms that require as well.

Please download the application form for SJPII. Once completed, you may submit it to the front office.

Once the documents are submitted to your school, please email a copy to

By Badge 219

A Nonprofit Scholarship Organization

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